Framed Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States by Howard Chandler Christy
$149.76 - $279.76Patriot Gear
Framed Patrick Henry Before the Virginia House of Burgesses by Peter F. Rothermel
$149.76 - $279.76Patriot Gear
Framed General Marion Inviting a British Officer to Share His Meal by John Blake White
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Framed Washington Rallying Troops at Battle of Princeton by William Ranney
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Framed Washington, Lafayette & Tilghman at Yorktown by Charles Willson Peale
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Framed First Continental Congress at Prayer by Tompkins Harrison Matteson
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Framed Battle of Guilford Courthouse Illustration and Battlefield Map
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Framed Portrait of George Washington Taking the Salute at Trenton by John Faed
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Framed Battle of Concord. Engagement at Concord North Bridge 1775 by Amos Doolittle
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Framed Patrick Henry's "Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death" Illustration by Currier and Ives
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Framed Washington Takes Command of the American Army by Currier & Ives
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Framed Marinus Willett Preventing Removal of Arms by John Ward Dunsmore
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Framed George Washington and His Cavalry by Vicente Garcia de Paredes
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Framed Washington Visiting Rochambeau at French Embassy by Henry Alexander Ogden
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Framed Washington Firing First Shot at Yorktown by Henry Alexander Ogden
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Framed News of Yorktown, Brought To Washington's Mother by Jean Leon Jerome Ferris
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Framed John Stark Leading a Charge of New Hampshire Militia, Battle of Bennington by Frederick Coffay Yohn
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Framed George Rogers Clark Leading American Forces on the Wabash River by Frederick Coffay Yohn
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Framed Paul Revere Rousing the Inhabitants Along the Road to Lexington by Frederick Coffay Yohn
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Framed Paul Revere Warning John Sullivan of British Threat at Fort William and Mary by Howard Pyle
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Framed Attack of 2nd South Carolina Continentals on the Spring Hill Redoubt at the Siege of Savannah by A.I. Keller
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Framed Washington and Rochambeau in the Trenches at Yorktown by Howard Pyle
$149.76 - $279.76Patriot Gear
Framed Last Boatload of British troops Evacuating New York City by Howard Pyle
$149.76 - $279.76Patriot Gear
Framed Gunpowder Brought to Boston from Fort Ticonderoga, by Howard Pyle
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Framed Washington Bringing His Mother Into the Ballroom by Howard Pyle
$149.76 - $279.76Patriot Gear
Framed Thompson, Clerk of Congress, Announcing to Washington, Mount Vernon, His Election to the Presidency by Howard Pyle
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Framed Leaving Mount Vernon for the Congress of the Colonies by Howard Pyle
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Framed The Escape of Arnold on the British Sloop-of-War, Vulture by Howard Pyle
$149.76 - $279.76Patriot Gear
Framed British Retreat from Concord Under Fire from Colonial Minutemen by Howard Pyle
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Framed Washington as Captain in the French and Indian War by Junius Brutus Stearns
$149.76 - $279.76Patriot Gear
Framed Minutemen Bringing Gunpowder to Use in the Battle of Bunker Hill by Howard Pyle
$149.76 - $279.76Patriot Gear
Framed Washington as a Farmer at Mount Vernon by Junius Brutus Stearns
$149.76 - $279.76Patriot Gear
Framed Washington Triumphantly Entering New York City, November 25, 1783 by Henry Hintermeister
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