Framed Ulysses S. Grant Portrait & Quotes
Patriot GearProduct Overview:
- Proudly handmade in the USA
- Wood Frame with Mat, Glass Front, Paper Duster Backing with Wire Hanger
- Printed on antique parchment paper that goes through an 11 step process to give it an aged authentic look. Each paper is unique with characteristics such as (but not limited to), golden or yellow hues, crinkling, puckering.
- Frame measures approx. 16 3/4" wide and 20" tall
- Font size approx. 14pt type
Product Details:
President of the United States 1869-1877
"Labor disgraces no man; unfortunately occasionally find men disgrace labor" (Speech at Midland International Arbitration Union, Birmingham, England, 1877)
"No terms except an unconditional and immediate surrender can be accepted. I propose to move immediately on your works." (To General S.B. Buckner, February 16, 1862)
"Leave the matter of religion to the family altar, or the church, and the private school, supported entirely by private contributions. Keep the church and the State forever separate " (Speech at Des Moines, Iowa, 1875)
"Let no guilty man escape, if it can be avoided. No personal considerations should stand in the way of performing a public duty." (Endorsement of a Letter relating to the Whiskey Ring, July 29, 1875)
"I propose to fight it out on this line, if it takes all summer." (Dispatch to Washington, Before Spotsylvania Court House, May 11, 1864)