Framed Betsy Ross and The Flag Painting Replica with History of Life of Betsy Ross

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Product Overview:

  • Proudly handmade in the USA
  • Wood Frame with Mat, Glass Front, Paper Duster Backing with Wire Hanger
  • Printed on antique parchment paper that goes through an 11 step process to give it an aged authentic look. Each paper is unique with characteristics such as (but not limited to), golden or yellow hues, crinkling, puckering.
  • Frame measures approx. 16 3/4" wide and 20" tall
  • Font size approx. 14pt script

Product Details:

Elizabeth Griscom (Betsy Ross) was born January 1, 1752. As a child Betsy was very proficient in spinning yarn and making dresses, and received school prizes for this. She grew up very beautiful with an unusual personality, intelligence and spirit. Her parents were members fo the Society of Friends who were very strict and marriage with a person of another denomination was forbidden. Betsy Griscom attracted many outside her faith, but she never associated with youths doubtful character. She had three serious suitors, none of them of her faith: Joseph Ashburn, captain of a trader ship; John Claypoole, a tanner; and John Ross, an upholster's apprentice. However, Betsy married John Ross in November of 1773. They were written ouf of the Society of Friends. They rented a house as 39 Arch Street (later numbered 239) and started an upholstery business, which grew prosperous. The population of Philadelphia at that time was about 20,000. They sided with the patriots in the Revolutionary War and John Ross joined the Army. He was killed in January 1776 by the explosion of gunpowder. Betsy was now 24 years old and she busied herself in her business to keep her mind occupied. Following is the popular version of the flag Betsy Ross is credited to have make. General Washington visited the Continental Congress in Philadelphia in 1776 to inform them of the necessity for more soldiers, more help and more money to buy clothing and food. He often thought that a national flag should be made for the Navy so that American vessels may recognize each other , and the flag could also be carried in battle. This would avoid the confusion of many different state flags. Colonel George Ross, Robert Morris and General Washington asked Betsy Ross to order the flag.Colonel Ross was an uncle of Betsy Ross and knew that she was very qualified to make it. General Washington presented a drawing sowing a rough design of a flag with thirteen stripes and thirteen stars. The stars in the drawing were six sided. Betsy Ross suggested that the correct star should have five points as that could be more easily made. They agreed with her and she had the flag made in several days. As the was progressed, Joseph Ashburn made many voyages in the trader ship. When his ship put in port in Philadelphia, he renewed his sincere friendship with Betsy Ross. They were married June 15, 1777. In those days widows often wed without too long of a mourning period. They had two daughters. Ashburn continued his trips in the vessel toward the was effort. meanwhile John Clapoole joined with a different vessel for the same purpose. Both vessels were captured by the Brtiish. Claypoole was send to a prison in England. Ashburn was eventually sent to the same prison and they both met. While in prison, Cornwallis surrendered to Washington, but it was almost a uear before prisoners were exchanged. During this period Ashburn died in prison from one of the epidemics. Upon returning to Philadelphia, Claypoole bore the bad news to Betsy about her husband. Claypoole again became an ardent suitor and courted Betsy. They were married May 1783. She was thirty-one, still very attractive and her spirit was not subdued with all her past sorrow. Five daughters were born to them. After the was, the Society of Friends made the creeds very liberal and they joined the Society. After being married fifteen years, Claypoole had a stroke of paralysis. Betsy raised her daughters, took care of her invalid husband and managed her business. She saw the flag contain many more stars. Betsy Ross Claypoole died January 30th, 1836 at the age of 84. 


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